Oil Paintings by Nate.

Winter Mountains (16 x 20)

$75 + S&H/Tax

Listed price does NOT include frame. Shipping and handling are calculated to U.S. addresses only. All sales are final.

For additional information or to make a purchase, please call (419) 460 6884.

Winter Cabin2SALE


Frosty Falls (16 x 20)

$75 + S&H/Tax

Listed price does NOT include frame. Shipping and handling are calculated to U.S. addresses only. All sales are final.

For additional information or to make a purchase, please call (419) 460 6884.

20230927 175553JanSALE


The Old Campsite (16 x 20)

$75 + S&H/Tax

Listed price does NOT include frame. Shipping and handling are calculated to U.S. addresses only. All sales are final.

For additional information or to make a purchase, please call (419) 460 6884.

Resized 20240113 195406sale


Winter Watch (16 x 20)

$75 + S&H/Tax

Listed price does NOT include frame. Shipping and handling are calculated to U.S. addresses only. All sales are final.

For additional information or to make a purchase, please call (419) 460 6884.

 20240112 201647sale


Early Autumn (16 x 20)

$75 + S&H/Tax

Listed price does NOT include frame. Shipping and handling are calculated to U.S. addresses only. All sales are final.

For additional information or to make a purchase, please call (419) 460 6884.

20240104 111103sallle